

We had to create our own personal website from scratch! Having no background on everything that we are going to do (for the entire module actually) I found it really interesting and quite challenging to pick up this new skill

We were thought how to programe HTML for our basic website as well as include CSS to make it look nicer. Once we were done with the website, we had to upload it onto as a repository

Initially, it was really difficult for me to understand how to do up a website. However, there were video tutorials guiding me step by step to create the website. The videos were really helpful and now i am able to make my own page as to how I like it to be.

For my webpage, I decided to do with only HTML and CSS as this is my first time designing a wedpage and would get confused if more elements were added.

Some useful commands I have learnt in HTML
ul is used for an unordered list
ol is used for an ordered list (with numbers)
Pis used when starting new paragraphs
img is used when including images
h is used to include headings

Link to


Often, when doing my webpage, I will split screen, one side having Brackets while the other is W3 schools which serves as my guide when writing my document


Useful Videos

This video teaches us how to start a basic HTML page from scratch

This video shows us how to incorperate CSS into our HTML documents

My Github Repository

My Github